Friday, October 1, 2010

What is the Female Athlete Triad?

The Female Athlete Triad consists of three interlaced diseases. As you watch this video, note the three diseases and how each are inter-related.

Nutrition, hormones, and exercise all play a major role in the prevention and the treatment of the Triad.


  1. This is a great video clip Marla! It's always hard to convince female athletes that diet plays a role in their bone density especially when they are concerned about gaining weight.

  2. I was wondering if, as a coach and teacher at a community college, you have come across many female athletes who exhibit signs of the female triad?

  3. Sandy,
    I occasionally get some of my athletes but... I teach a class title 'critical issues in women's health' and I get at least one female per semester that exhibits menstrual irregularities due to excessive exercise. These women are usually runners. I have had three athletes over 15 years that exhibited eating disorder behaviors (probably had more but didn't know). I do talk with each of my teams on the importance of maintaing a cycle.

  4. Thanks for the video. It is great to see the female athlete triad getting increasing attention... we hear about the risk factors all the time in class. The misconceptions about the "stereotypical female athlete" and the imposed unhealthy sport specific practices that female athletes undergo do have to be emphasized and changed.

  5. Have any of the females had issues or concerns with their bone density due to the lack of estrogen production?
    In my exercise physiology class we were talking about extreme cases of osteoporosis in females who we already exhibiting signs in their 20s.

  6. Are you referring specifically to lack of estrogen due to female athlete triad?
    There are other reasons why someone in their 20's could show osteoporosis signs if they don't exercise excessivly: polycystic ovarian syndrome, hormonal miscommunication due to cortisol interfering with progesterone functions, eating disorders, and simply a terrible diet w/o nutrients due to eating highly processed foods.
